Shining Moments

Jan 2, 2013

What do you want to focus on this year?

So many things clamor for our attention

it is easy to get lost,

thrown off,


But really only one thing matters.

Living for Christ

following in His steps

being obedient to the end.

We grab our pens and paper,

my girls and I,

and slowly write out the things

we believe that He wants us to focus on.

I glanced at my list from last year

grateful to have completed many of the things listed.

A new website up.

A trip to Maine.

Eating healthier and exercising more.

Making some new friends and trying to deepen relationships with others.

Writing this blog.


there is more. Always more.

Yes, this year there are new mountains to climb

and new rivers to cross.

Let’s wade out into the waters and expect great things this year.


carefully I write down a goal.

It challenges me to even think about. My knees tremble. My hands sweat.

Where will I get the time?

It’s a God size dream, for sure.

How about you?

Are you listening in the quiet for His still small Voice?

Is there something you’d like to do

you sense His calling

but fear failing


Limited resources

Weaknesses all over.

The adventure Hs calls us to live is always beyond ourselves;

something greater than we know we can do.

God calls us to lean on Him.

It’s that life of dependency on the Lord that enables us

to go further,

to accomplish more

to attempt greater things than we ever thought possible.

He is

and always will be

the God of the Impossible.

Exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think. Ephesians 3:20

Listen to His call and write it down.

Then step by step move forward.

I’m going to do just that. Won’t you join me on this adventure?

Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart.






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