Shining Through The Gloom

Shining Through The Gloom

Has grief held you fast in a pit where you cannot see God’s kindness? It’s so easy for that to happen, isn’t it? The pain. The sadness. The gut-wrenching sorrow . And with the passing of time it is all too easy for our eyes to dim to any sign of God’s kindness. It...

Just Imagining

I remember the first time I heard the song I Can Only Imagine years ago. Actually 1999. It moved me to tears thinking of what I would see in heaven. One day. Being with the Lord. Walking by His side. Forever in His Glory. Joy filled my heart just trying to imagine it....

Mourning’s Not Forever

Nothing could have surprised me more than to discover that Elsie, Jenny’s pet hamster, had died. A few hours before she had been playing with her ball and apparently fine. But then we found her lifeless at the bottom of her cage. Now when you are 12 and this is your...