My Offering of Crumbs

Nov 2, 2011

Today has just been one of those days. I arose early with high hopes of getting a lot accomplished. Stuffing my to-do list into my purse, I flew out the door with my youngest to the store.  I waded through the price increases and finally arrived home with all my bags.

Yes, raced again getting everything inside before I flew out the door to my office.

An hour later I came home, now going at a slightly slower pace, waded through emails, typed some messages, returned phone calls, helped my youngest with her sixth grade work and then

     flew out the door again. What a blessing that my office is close to my home. After another session I drove home and then tackled some more tasks one of which was glancing over a piece my oldest had written for college.

Then once more I raced out the door, had a few more sessions, telephone calls, picked up the mail, etc. Went home, took out the dogs, checked email again, etc. etc. etc.

Yes, like you, my days just seem to go from one thing to another. By the end I sometimes wonder if I have accomplished anything of worth.

That is when I ask the Lord to bless these simple crumbs of mine that I offer to Him.

I often wish that I could offer Him a beautiful finished work, a masterpiece, but my days are so often just going here and there, doing this or that.

But could it be He knows and delights in our offering of crumbs.




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