Christmas Hope

Dec 20, 2011

The words of the familiar song peal over the radio. “As long as there’s Christmas, I truly believe. That hope is the greatest of the gifts we receive.”

Once more my heart is moved as I reflect back over the years.

There have been joyous Christmases like the time my family was reunited after my Mom had polio. Nothing, absolutely nothing could have thrilled my 4 year old heart more than finally being all together again. I had hope.

There have been anxious Christmases like when my younger brother came down with scarlet fever. No material gift could possibly relieve that burden of worry. Hearing from the doctor that he was improving was the best Christmas present that year. Hope filled my ten year old heart.

There have been sad Christmases. But there was still hope.

There have been fun Christmases. Hope overflowed.

Yes, the birth of Jesus brought Hope to all people. His life continues to bring Hope to all.

No matter how you are feeling today.

No matter how difficult maybe this Christmas is for you. Embrace the Gift of Hope.

He loves you and knows your deepest need.

He is with you longing for you to look to Him.

Christmas- the sound of His Love continues to fill the air.

Let it in.

Let Him in.

Hope. A hope that lasts.  Hope personally wrapped up and given to you.


    • heartprintscoaching

      Thank you for you words. Yes, how precious hope is. blessings always

  1. bbrunophotography

    Sharon, you are a wonderful instrument of his Hope, too. Your words touch so many lives, and fill them with hope for tomorrow…Hope beyond the pain and all the complications that weigh down a life.

    Thank you for your faithfulness. God has placed you into such a position of ministry, both in your counseling work and in the words you share here. I loved your thoughts on Hope–like sunshine blasting through fog.
    Love you!

    • heartprintscoaching

      Hope-like sunshine blasting through fog. Such a strong picture that gives me. Hope is always strong. Thank you, Bonnie, for your continued encouragement to so many and especially to me. Merry Christmas, dear friend.


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