Shining Moments

Down deep in my heart     the ocean waves continue to splash and crash against the rocks. The cry of the seagulls fill the air    and the cold wet sand is beneath my feet. Although I write today from my room in Virginia   I hold tightly those memories to time spent at...

Shining Moments

Sand castles.     Every where I looked there were sand castles.       Some simple but a few very ornate.          taking hours and hours to have made them. I thought of the folks who invested their time and creativity in building the sand castles. Sand castles that...

Shining Moments

Did you ever, as a child, wait for Christmas..       that special gift          knowing that it would fill all your dreams     only to be disappointed? Did you ever work and save for something   only to be let down     and feeling ripped off Many things in life are...

Shining Moments

Time is strange, don’t you think? We live in time. Plan our lives with time in mind    but there are still moments when time seems to stop and moments become eternal. My recent experience at the beach gave me another glimpse into    the joys of spending time at the...