Life The Way It Was Meant To Be

  Black Friday? Sales? Endless shopping? A whirlwind of activities? How do you keep your balance when society is pushing harder and harder for more and more?   If we allow ourselves to go along with the flow we will easily find ourselves exhausted, financially...

There is Always Hope. Always

  We live in troubled times. Problems abound. The cries of hurt and pain can be heard wherever you go. Like the black of the night sky it is easy to think that suffering, defeat and disappointment are all there is. But…   there is more than blackness in the night sky....

How Is Your Story Coming?

  Everyone has a story. Everyone writes their life story one day at a time. All too often we forget that we have a part in how our story unfolds. We have an important role in how our story ends. Are you writing your story with an eye on the ending you desire?  My...

Believing Your Way to Success

  “Ok, line up and let the relays begin,” I said to my first graders many years ago. It was a moment that continues to speak to me about the power of ones belief. While his classmates quickly got into line, this one little boy stood frozen in place. His pleading...

Celebrate Life

On November 19, 2011, families and adoption advocates will celebrate adoption in large communities and small throughout our nation. National Adoption Day is a day that holds special interest to me having adopted my two precious daughters from Russia. They have...