Together We Can Change Our World

Sep 25, 2019

People matter.

Yes, in a world where many feel worthless and not good enough I long to live out loud the truth that people matter.

It was an ordinary day a few weeks ago.

While standing at the checkout counter, the gal in front of me began to talk.

“What are you two?” she asked pointing to my daughter and me.

“You always seem to enjoy yourselves.”

“She’s my daughter,” I explained “And yes we do enjoy each other.”

She shook her head and sighed.

“Not my mother and I.” Her voice dropped low so that I could hardly hear her.

Words of conflict and pain. Deep hurt and shame.

My heart leaped out to her

And in that moment I wanted to reach across and give her an ocean-size hug.

Instead I lingered expressing care.

At that moment is was as if she was the most important person in the world.

I would have done anything to have lifted her heavy burden

and given her the support that she needed.

Life can be so hard.

For days after I have remembered her.

Prayed for her.

Asking the Lord to send an awareness of His Comfort and Grace.

Praying that there would be healing in their relationship.

Thanking the Lord that He had me there at just that moment to care

And to feel her pain.

Life is so short.

All around are folks who desperately need a word of hope

And who, most of all, need to be introduced to the Lord.

The One Who will comfort and give guidance no matter how impossible

their situation seems.

Wherever you are today

please know that you matter.

The One Who knows the very number of the hairs on your head,

the One Who left heavens Glory to die for you

to give you eternal Life

is calling you to come to Him.

And around you and I are scores of others who need a word of encouragement

and hope

Take time –

Make time to meet their eyes and to listen and to care.

You have no idea the difference that will make.


I’m asking the Lord to intersect my life with the lonely, the hurting, the lost.

So I can point them to the Lord of love.

Together we can change our world.





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