Shining Moments

As I stood there holding hands with the person on my left and on my right I was terrified. Although I was only seven I knew clearly the motives of all those kids    that stood directly opposite to where my line was. Yes, we all knew the rules of Red Rover Red Rover....

Shining Moments

Together     through all kinds of weather. Together sharing our hopes and joys              our troubles and sorrows. So much heart is contained in that simple word      together. Years ago my brother and I shared everything. I even wore the shirts that he grew out...

Shining Moments

The plant looked almost dead when I brought it home a few years ago. But I just couldn’t bring myself to throw it away. No, it had been the plant my mother had gotten from friends when her mother (my grandmother) had died. It had been part of my growing up as we moved...

Beware Those Blind Spots!

She drove down the road thinking about her busy day at school. And even though the radio was playing her favorite song, she never heard it. No, instead she was replaying an incident that happened with her first graders that afternoon. As she approached the intersect...