Shining Moments

Have you ever felt the pain of being passed by? Ever known the sadness of watching someone who could help- just walk on by? Years ago I was jogging back to my home on a late Saturday morning. Suddenly I tripped and fell down hard sprawling on the slate sidewalk. The...

Shining Moments

Her small face was tense, her shoulders slumped. No matter how many times I bent to talk with her this little first grader refused to meet my eyes. It bothered me to see her so anxious while her classmates were enjoying their experience of first grade. One day I...

Discovering Your Purpose

 “What do I do?” she asked over the phone. “How do I decide?” Her question is the question on so many hearts these days.  Knowing your purpose enables you to sort through the wealth of options and to make wise choices. When I was a child my heart was always sensitive...