How Do I Do That?

How Do I Do That?

The early morning light cast shadows across the page of my familiar Bible as I read it. Walk in the Light. How do I do that? I pondered. I always ponder most when I’ve been to Maine. I am recently home from a refreshing time there among the smell of the sea air and...

If Your Light Has Gone Out

Has your light gone out? Somewhere along the way did something happen that caused your light to flicker and dim and then go out? Are you groping in darkness struggling to find your way? I know. I understand. The pain and cruelty and unjustness of our world can crush...

Shining Moments

Early in the morning     when everyone else sleeping      I tiptoed downstairs. The day had gone by too fast it seemed. All this racing back and forth. My soul longed for that holy quiet. I plugged in the Christmas tree lights. What joy      to see them filling the...

When Light Breaks Through

  An ordinary day turns extraordinary in a moment. A simple word. A deed of kindness. A letter or email. A visit with a friend. Sometimes it almost seems like nothing extraordinary is happening but beneath the surface where we cannot see. He works He loves He breathes...

Shine Today

Many years ago while vacationing in Maine I happened to drive to the city of Portsmouth,New Hampshire. I took a lovely boat trip that day and also browsed some shops. But that is not what remained in my heart all this time. No, it was something else that I saw. I was...