The Choice

As I gazed out on the busy street in Kiev, my tears flowed freely. My journey to adopt a little girl had come to a crushing end leaving me with empty arms and a broken heart. “I’m beginning to learn,” I wrote in my journal that day “not to ask why. I will trust you no...

A Triumphant Song

“Who?  You?” “You’ll never be able to play the piano again.” My spirit cringed and I winced as I heard these words. They were spoken with such finality. God knew how much playing the piano meant to me. But something inside me refused to totally embrace them. Not yet....

When All Else Fails

Life’s trials can bear down with excruciating pressure and pain. I’ve experienced it lately. Have you? One thing after another gone wrong.    Things beyond my ability to control. Trapped under a load of the unusual. Pinned with no way to move. Strength depleted....

The Power Of One Life

I can still see the first time I met him. I was a young woman having taught one year of first grade in upstate New York. And he was the principal. It was only a few days before the opening of school that year. My heart beat furiously as he interviewed me for the...

Who me? Worried?

I can still hear the jarring ring of that telephone as it broke through the quietness of an ordinary afternoon. I can still hear my mother’s voice as she spoke. And I can still hear the edge in her voice as she said those words, “How is he?” Yes, it’s been more than...