Live Today

Mar 31, 2014

spring flowers1It doesn’t take much to cheer the heart and warm the soul.

No, not much at all

when you think about it.

Winter can be so long

and depending on your particular situation

it can seem even longer.

It has been so for me.

So this morning when I tied on my running shoes

and went outside

my heart flipped with excitement at the warm breezes.

Instead of running I found myself looking all around

at the thousands of little signs of spring.

A carpet of delicate blue flowers

a fragrant purple hyacinth

a forsythia with freshly opened yellow blooms.

The more I saw

the more  I began to see.

It’s always that way isn’t it?

Once we begin to see something

our vision clears and we begin to see more clearly.

Winter lasts only for a season

but Spring always comes.

Do you see the signs of Spring all around?

Is the Winter of your life changing into a time of new life and possibilities?

We need the winter –

that time to be quiet and rest in His Care. The time to grieve and to be still.

But like the changing of seasons

ever so slightly we notice new life


opened doors

new strength.

This is your time to sing, my friend.

Pull out that idea and begin again.

Make that call

Send that email

Explore the markets

and above all take action.

Winter has gone and Spring has come.

All things are become new.

What about you?

Anything you had laid to rest during the cold of Winter?

May His Life fill you with wonder as you begin again.

Those little blue flowers sing a glorious message.

“Live today

with all you’ve got.”

Join me today in doing that. Won’t you?!


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